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2020 in Review: Adapting and Responding

In Manila, 2020 began with the Taal erupting, only to be followed by the novel coronavirus outbreak a few weeks later. With all that happened, I am so grateful for our team and to be able to share what we have learned and have been able to achieve.

When COVID-19 hit, our team worked quickly to adapt. We knew that while the pandemic slowed everything down, the importance of training was heightened. Tens of thousands of workers are waiting to work overseas. With delays and uncertainty worldwide they’re in need of safe, efficient and effective preparation.

Thanks to the guidelines for Blended-Learning Modules set out by the TESDA and the IATF, our team had a foundation to build our Covid-safe training consisting of 90% Online-Training and 10% in-person training. While with the current community quarantines, we have not yet been able to run the face-to-face components, we were able to have workers take our online-training. This was a huge feat for our team. Our trainers deliver lectures and demonstrations through video chat and get on phone calls to coach trainees individually and provide feedback on all the necessary competencies. All these efforts are paying off. I am pleased to say that trainees from our pilot who went on to get their assessment have a 100% passing rate so far.

With all the setbacks we have faced around the world globally, we see here an opportunity for progress. Online training can reduce the burdens of time and money for workers as they prepare to go abroad to provide for their families. We know that the impact of Covid will be lasting - this is our new reality. We have just begun with this online training but the initial results are promising. We see that Online training is the way of the future. Because it is online it can be scaled, delivered at low-cost, and controlled for quality.

Our team is open and willing to work together with all stakeholders to better support our Overseas Workers. We are currently looking at partnering with ILO and TESDA to further address the needs of prospective migrant domestic workers through training. Particularly looking at how training can be delivered - despite current limitations - with shortened durations and the effectiveness of online materials to impart job and destination-specific skills. If you would like to learn more about our Online Training, I would be happy to share how our team has been working through this. Please reach out!

Here is a quick recap of our activities over this year:

Domestic Work NC2 Blended Module online training

  • Our trainers adapted to instruct and coach effectively online

  • Using Facebook and Messenger to deliver training for accessibility and connectivity

  • 100% passing rate for those who were assessed after taking our online training so far

  • We shared about how online training can be a solution for Overseas Filipino Workers affected by the impact of Covid-19 at the ILO's Safe and Fair activities for International Migrants Day 2020

Developing new trainings for other migrant workers

  • We piloted a domestic worker professional development online workshop, ‘Ready Get Set Goals,’ for domestic workers in the required 14-day quarantine upon arriving in HK

  • We developed an online training for Maritime Professionals of Philippine Transmarine Carriers (PTC), which was delivered in February 2021

Support of trainee graduates

  • Our team worked to get our trainees access to credible information on Covid-19

  • We counselled trainees on work issues as work and life abroad has been impacted by Covid-19

Despite all the challenges, we made sure to celebrate the important and happy moments. Using video conferencing, we connected with our trainees abroad and at home to celebrate Fair Training Center's Fourth Anniversary in November.

Thank you for your continued support of Fair Training Center. Be well and here's to the new possibilities in 2021.

- Aimee Gloria, Executive Director and Board President

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