Fair Training Center was invited to the Philippine launch of the "Making Migration Work" report by Seefar. The event was jointly organised by Seefar, Voice of the Free and the Macquarie Group Foundation. Representatives from the government, private sector and civil sector groups were in attendance. Aimee Gloria, Executive Director of Fair Training Center was asked to contribute to a panel at the event that aimed to collect a diverse response to the findings of the report. She shared the mission and approach of Fair Training Center and where our work coincides with the report. She emphasized that successful migration is where the worker goes abroad as a result of an informed choice, and where worker's families are involved in migration goals.
The Making Migration Work report looks at the experience of migrant domestic workers in South-East Asia, following the process from recruitment to working abroad to return. Key recommendations from the report include:
Make recruitment ethical
Help workers prepare
Improve support for workers during employment
Make programmes for returning migrants more relevant
Implement market-friendly protections in Hong Kong and Singapore
We are encouraged to see focus on improving pre-migration preparation and ethical recruitment, as these are the steps that help Overseas Filipino Workers truly benefit from their time working abroad. See the report: here.