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Useful Mobile Apps for Working Abroad

Updated: Mar 10, 2020

There are many tools that can help you to adjust to life abroad and maximize your experience. Here are some of our recommended free apps and online resources. You can access them via phone, computer or tablet.


Facebook & Messenger

Facebook lets you stay connected and keep up with your loved ones and friends’ activities without having to call or message them every day. You can post a statement or photo which will be visible to people you’re connected with on the app. It has a messaging tool too!

Think before you click!

Keep in mind though that some employers may check a worker’s profile before hiring and during the period of employment. It’s important to think about what you share on your Facebook profile. Be careful of posting any kind of personal or sensitive information, not just about yourself but especially about your employer. You should also manage your account’s privacy and security settings properly. Check your privacy settings: here.


Whatsapp and Viber

Whatsapp and Viber (as well as Facebook Messenger) are some free apps for sending quick messages to your family and friends. Whatsapp is the most widely used communication tool in Hong Kong, and it’s highly likely your employers will be using this as well. You can also make free calls to other users of these apps (as long as you’re connected to the internet).

Language & Navigation

Google maps

Google maps is a navigational tool that you can use via a computer, phone, or tablet. Just type in the name of the place you’re looking for and it will show you its exact location, nearby landmarks and establishments. You can also look up directions on foot, by car or by public transport.

Google translate

Google translate is a useful app for simple language translations. Just go to or download the google translate app on your phone. Type in the word or phrase that you want to translate and the result will appear. There are a variety of languages you can choose from.

Work Information


Here are some websites you can get useful information for your work and everyday life abroad.

Get Answers:

This online portal has guides and technical help on domestic work employment matters in Hong Kong such as contracts, laws and regulations, and other employment-related information.

FAIR Hong Kong App:

Available on Google Play and iTunes Apple.

This free online app puts valuable information for domestic workers and employers of domestic workers in one place. Find salary entitlements information, directions to help, and even classes that you may be interested in.

Info Hub:

We'll be adding articles right here on FTC's website to help you navigate your life and work abroad. Keep checking back for more!

We hope these apps and online resources are helpful to you. Go ahead and give them a try and let us know what other resources you use by messaging us on Facebook!

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